BOKARO STEEL PLANTThis virtual campus  has courses offered by Bokaro Steel Plant.

The Virtual campus is managed by Centre for HRD, BSL. Pls contact at or  for adding value to this initiative.

• The Login button is given on top right side of the screen.
• If you are logging-in for the first time, you may use the following scheme:

– Userid= sailplno (in small) eg. z000009

– Password= {first letter of SAIL PlNo in Capital)} {DoB (as per EPMS) in ddmmyy}{sail*}

– Eg: if SAIL PlNo is Z000009 and DoB is 01/02/1978 then password shall be Z010278sail*

  • To enroll/access all you need is to press the enroll me button.

System Overview S71500, ET200SP controller, Compact

CPU’s, PLC Tags, Programming Blocks

• Advance Programming Option in S7-1500 like Snapshot,

Download without re-initialization

• Analog Value Processing

• Introduction to HMI & Introduction of 2nd generation


Troubleshooting & Trace Functionality

• Web server with user defined web pages

• Intelligent device configuration, remote station

communication on PN

• TIA selection tool

• Introduction of Migration from S7-300 from STEP 7 V5.5

to S7-1500 STEP 7 V15

• PLC Drive Communication

• Introduction to optional packages