Welcome to virtual campus of Bhilai Steel Plant.

To provide easy access of e-content (e-magazines, e-journals, e-standards, interactive self-learning videos etc.) available at Central Library of Bhilai Steel Plant to entire SAIL fraternity through the user-friendly interface of e-abhigyan portal.

Unnayan 2.0 is an extension of Unnayan 2022, an intervention that celebrated the journey of BSP in 2021-22 and shared the aspirations for 2022-23 in a Townhall that  involved all the executives of BSP in an open dialog with the Leadership Team of BSP.
While Unnayan was a reflection of aspirations in the immediate horizon, Unnayan 2.0 is an exploration beyond the horizon and takes a long  view of organizational growth and sustainability and involves an exploration of a future for BSP in 2040 and beyond.The aim of Unnayan is

To inspire the young executives of BSP to create vision for BSP in 2040   as a world class organization using their imagination and their knowledge of trends across the world, and also to chart a path towards that vision.

We will explore this  journey  through a series of interactions and forums both online and offline to explore various aspects of that future. Enroll to  join this exploration

Business Excellence department is organizing Plant Level QC, LQC and 5-S Project Competition for promoting employee engagement through enhanced participation in QC, LQC and 5-S and also for selecting and shortlisting the teams for participation in competitions organized by Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI). This competition is aimed at showcasing the achievements of various QC / LQC / 5-S teams and will also act as a gateway for participation in various conventions /competitions organized by various bodies. All the participating teams for above conventions /competitions are selected through this competition only.

All concerned are requested to please go through the template and follow the given instructions before creating new course or modifying the existing course.

This is an empty template that can be copied for new courses to avoid repetitive tasks. The specific text and contents will be different in each course.

Course ID should be the Programme Code used by HRDC / BMDC : ex. 5082IC29, 5082WM01, 5082BC03 etc.


Programme Co-ordinator : Name of Programme Co-ordinator should appear here

Instruction for Enrollment :

  • For Self Learners Enrollment Key is : Self-Enroll-IC65 (XXNN represents last04 characters of programme code)
  • For physical Training Programme conducted at HRDC / BMDC, Enrollment Key shall be provided by the Programme Co-ordinator.

भिलाई इस्पात संयंत्र के गैर-कार्यकारियों (तकनीकी) के लिए ईडी (डब्ल्यू) ट्रॉफी कार्य कौशल प्रतियोगिता वर्ष 2008 से हर साल एचआरडी केंद्र में आयोजित की जा रही है। प्रतियोगिता का उद्देश्य संयंत्र के साथ-साथ क्षेत्रीय/राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर BSP कर्मचारियों के कौशल और प्रतिभा को पहचानना, बढ़ावा देना और प्रदर्शित करना है। यह चयनित ट्रेडों में बेंच मार्किंग के माध्यम से कौशल विकास और प्रतिभा को भी बढ़ावा देगा। इस प्रतियोगिता के विजेताओं को भारतीय उद्योग परिसंघ (सीआईआई) द्वारा आयोजित क्षेत्रीय/राष्ट्रीय कौशल प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने के लिए नामांकित किया जाता है। यह Resource Centre हमारे कर्मचारियों को प्रतिस्पर्धा का हिस्सा बनने वाले विभिन्न ट्रेडों के बारे में अधिक जानने में मदद करने के लिए बनाया गया है ताकि वे सीआईआई क्षेत्रीय और राष्ट्रीय प्रतियोगिताओं सहित सभी स्तरों पर बेहतर प्रदर्शन करने के लिए तैयार हों। यह किसी भी कर्मचारी के लिए भी एक संसाधन है जो इन ट्रेडों में अपने ज्ञान को बढ़ाना चाहता है।

ED (W) Trophy Work Skills Competition for Non-Executives (Technical)  of  Bhilai Steel Plant  is being organized every year at HRD Centre, since the year 2008. The objective of the competition is to recognize, promote and showcase the skill and talent of BSP employees at plant as well regional/national level. It will also promote skill development and the talent through bench marking in selected trades. The Winners of this competition are in turn nominated to participate in Regional/National Skills Competition Organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). This resource centre has been created to  help our employees learn more about the different trades  that form part of the competition so that they are well prepared to perform better at all levels including the CII Zonal and National Competitions. It is also a resource for any employee wanting to enhance his or her knowledge in these trades. Competition in carried out in different trades namely; Carpentary, Computer, Electrical, Fitting, Hydraulics Machining, Material Handling,  PLC, Turning, Welding. Dates of ED (W) Trophy For Works Skills Competition are communicated to Bhilai Fraternity through BSP Intranet Home Page. Registration for participation shall be done online through BSP Intranet Home Page (E-Sahyog).