The UT Manuals of CO&CC, DSP are listed under this category

Unit Training Manual on:
Operation of Sinter Machine, Gas Mixing & Boosting (Sinter Plant-II )
(With Quiz)

Unit Training Manual on:
Operation of Sinter Machine, Gas Mixing & Boosting (Sinter Plant-II )
(With Quiz)

Unit Training Manual on:
Operation of Tippler - 3 (Hydraulic) & Side Arm Charger of Coal Handling Plant
(With Quiz)

UT manual on Operation of Electrically Operated Guide car

UT Manual of COCC on Electrically driven Ram car Operation

UT Manual: Coke oven Batteries are provided with Electric driven Loco (EL) coke car for receiving, quenching and disposal of quenched coke. This coke car is also known as Quenching Car

This UT manual contains details of Charging car operation. Coke oven Batteries are provided with Single Spot Coal Charging Car suitable for ON MAIN charging.