The aim of the programme is to enable management trainees to become a useful, integrated member of SAIL team so that

 they can contribute effectively and grow in the organization.

ADC Developmental Intervention for E6 grade executives.


Programme Aim

The programme aims to enhance the personal effectiveness of participants to enable them to exhibit better teamworking skills, and proactively take up expanded roles for higher performance at workplace.


Programme Objectives

After attending the programme, the participants shall be able to-

§    Know the importance of personal effectiveness and its constituents.

§    Understand their personal strengths and weaknesses.

§    Make efforts to upgrade their work-related knowledge & skills.

§    Exhibit higher team spirit, positive attitude, and creativity.

§    Pro-actively take up expanded roles & responsibilities.

Programme Contents

·       Personal Effectiveness Framework

·       Positive Attitude

·       Learning & Development

·       Creativity & Innovation

·       Communication & Interpersonal Skills

·       Teamworking

Programme Duration

Two and a half days


Target Population

Eligibility criteria for being nominated to the programme:

i.       High performing non-executive employees from SAIL Plants/Units.

ii.      Received ‘A’ Grade appraisal rating consecutively in the last 3 years.

iii.    Age preferably between 30 – 50 years.

Learning Journey

·       Participants to enrol in e-Pathshala, if the scheme is applicable.

·       Participants to register on nasscom-Future Skills Prime and start doing courses.

·       Books and articles to be given to the participants.

·       Feedback of learning implementation after 3 months of the programme. Participants to share their implementation of learning.

Necessary help t

PPT-LEAP- Personal Effectiveness- Characteristics and Importance.pdfPPT-LEAP- Personal Effectiveness- Characteristics and Importance.pdf

As we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a culture of safety excellence and ensuring the well-being of our workforce. 

The SMAQ quiz, comprising 30 insightful Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs), is a vital tool for self-assessment and will enable us to evaluate and enhance our collective awareness on Safety.

Survey Structure: The survey consists of a series of questions designed to gauge our performance across various Safety related parameters. 

Your participation in this survey is crucial in providing valuable insights into our current practices.

As part of our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices, we are excited to announce our embarkation on an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Survey initiative. 

The primary goal is to assess our performance in key ESG criteria, ensuring that we meet the highest standards in sustainability, social responsibility, and governance.

Survey Structure: 

The survey consists of a series of questions designed to gauge our performance across ESG criteria. 

Your participation in this survey is crucial in providing valuable insights into our current practices.

SAIL has embarked upon its Commercial Acumen journey with the Goal of achieving the industry best performance metrics by giving emphasis on commercial aspects of decision making. This quiz Is a dipstick survey for commercial acumen and identify areas of strength and weaknesses across the board and in various segments.

This survey / quiz consisting of 30 MCQs is a baseline assessment of the Commercial Maturity of the organization and will enable us to customize the capability development for accelerating Commercial Acumen.

At the end we request you to provide the input on training needs for accelerating the Commercial Acumen in SAIL.

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The aim of this program is to equip managers with advanced skills to navigate challenging conversations, fostering open communication and driving performance improvement.

After attending the programme, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the impact of difficult conversations on employee performance and engagement.
  • Enhance emotional intelligence to manage personal and subordinate emotions during challenging conversations.
  • Develop effective communication skills to deliver feedback in a compassionate, yet constructive manner.
  • Identify common sources of conflict and resistance during performance discussions and learn strategies to address them.
  • Gain techniques for de-escalating tension and resolving conflicts during performance conversations.
  • Develop skills for providing clear expectations and actionable feedback to drive performance improvement.

The aim of the programme is to equip the participants with the necessary skills & knowledge to enhance and exhibit executive presence for leading people towards organisational growth and success.