Sandbox for Trying and Testing Features

eModules Created for RTI

This is a hands on module for e-Learning Module Developer for getting hands on the Resources of eAbhigyan LMS.

Sample COP for Demo

This course provides an overview of Social Pillar of ESG. When we hear the term ESG, we generally think about the saving the environment, greenhouse gas emission and so on. But ESG is more than that. Environment is only one third of the total ESG concept. The other two concepts: social and governance also get equal weightage. The social aspect of any organization refers to the impact that organization has on people, including staff and customers and the community. This course is concerned with showcasing the importance of social aspect of ESG

Aim of the Program : To provide necessary awareness of the role of Governance pillar towards successful ESG adoption in SAIL

Objectives : 

After attending the session participants will be able to

•Understand the role of Governance in ESG
•Understand Ethical practices & corporate Integrity
•Understand the risks and the need  to pro-actively manage the risks
•SAIL Board as a Governance steward
•Assurance as a concept
•Best practices across Industry
•Understand individual roles in ESG adoption for SAIL


To ensure employees understand SEBI’s BRSR guidelines and are equipped to support organizational compliance effectively.


  1. Get insight on SEBI Guidelines for reporting on ESG Aspects
  2. Understand BRSR Reporting
  3. Recognise how BRSR Compliance affects organizational practices and reporting


The aim of the module is to create awareness among the target audience about the environmental aspect of ESG in steelmaking


At the end of the module the participant will be able to:

•Understand the concept and significance of the environment aspect in ESG and BRSR reporting.
•Help in providing assistance in compliance of data (Collection, reporting and methodology followed) as per BRSR reporting standard.
•Best practices followed by SAIL in reducing environmental impacts caused by its operations.
•Implement best practices of peers with respect to BRSR principles at the workplace.

Module 1: Introduction to ESG and BRSR


The  aim of this module is to create basic understanding about ESG and BRSR.


At the end of this module, the participants will be able to understand:

•ESG and related parameters.
•Importance and need for ESG.
•Brief about BRSR.


ØExplore emerging trends in ESG and BRSR, focusing on technology integration and global sustainability efforts.

ØIdentify implementation challenges, including regulatory shifts and reporting inconsistencies.

ØOffer practical strategies for integrating ESG and BRSR into corporate governance and risk management.

ØPromote knowledge-sharing and strategic thinking to address challenges and drive long-term success.

The course is a trial course for explaining the Features of eAbhigyan